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Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab - Imam Anwar Al-Awlaqi (9 DVD - 20 h) DVD Coup de coeur
Prix public : 29,00 €
Promotion à 14,90 €
Cours & Conférences

Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab - Imam Anwar Al-Awlaqi (9 DVD - 20 h)

The Biography of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA) by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaqi
NoorPro Media 2009

This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination.

This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.

This series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Ummer Ibn Alkhataab(R.A.).

Omar ibn al-Khattab (Radi'Allaho Anho), the second of the Rightly Guided Khaliphs of Islam, made an inconceivably large contribution not only to the geographic spread of Islam, but to the establishment of justice and intellectual freedom as well.

His reach extended as far as Persia, Egypt, and Anatolia, and he defeated towering empires such as the Sassanids and the Byzantines.

Such a rapid expansion of the Islamic world would merit acclaim in itself, but Omar (RA) did not stop there; his purpose was not to conquer lands in the name of Islam, he sincerely wanted to establish peace and justice in accordance with Allah's way. Thus, he began what would be known as the Islamic judicial system, improved the economic system, developed a calendar, and united the Muslims

Imam Awlaki brings to life stories from the golden era of Islam in a dynamic style and instills in the listeners a deep love for the Beloved of Allah (P.B.U.H.)

Contents Include:

  • Introduction
  • His character
  • His life before Islam
  • Embracing Islam
  • Hijrah
  • Umar and the Quran
  • Jihad with the Messenger of Allah
  • Jihad with the Messenger of Allah (cont.)
  • Incidents in Madinah
  • Some of his virtues
  • His virtues (cont.)
  • The Advisor of Abu Bakr
  • His appointment as Khalifah
  • The inaugural address
  • Foundations of Government
  • Foundations of Government (cont.)
  • Life as the Khilafah
  • Umar with his family
  • Umar and the Household of the Prophet
  • Umar and the society
  • Umar and the society (cont.)
  • Enjoining good and forbidding evil
  • Attention to Islamic rituals
  • The nightly patrols
  • The famine
  • The plague
  • Umar with his governors and army generals
  • The Opening of the Persian Empire
  • The Roman Front
  • Comments on the Conquests
  • Dreams
  • His last days
About Imam Anwar Al-Awlaqi:

Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico, USA. His parents are from Yemen where he received the early part of his Islamic education. He has served as an Imam in Colorado, California and Washington DC. Imam Anwar currently resides in Yemen.


Voir toutes les images : Voir
Auteur : Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki
Type de produit : DVD (vidéo)
Modèle ou Format : 9 DVDs over 20 hrs of footage
Editeur : NoorPro Media, Maydam Media
Langue : anglais
EAN : 456820349234
Référence produit : REF. 9850
Disponibilité : Disponible en stock
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