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Easy Quran reading (for teaching the Arabic alphabet, diacritics and reading to beginners) - Baghdadia Method Livre
Prix public : 8,00 €
Saint Coran

Easy Quran reading (for teaching the Arabic alphabet, diacritics and reading to beginners) - Baghdadia Method

Easy Qur'an Reading with Baghdadi Primer books was spread throughout the Arab and Muslim communities in Western countries such as Germany, Italy, and some states in America; as well as Asian countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Somalia in Africa. It was taught in some schools in Egypt here and there and left a good influence and impression on people teaching the Arabic language, the language of the Glorious Quran. With that came an increased demand for an English version until this book successfully came into being.

The subject of these books are from the original Baghdadi Qaeda book. They use a gradual system in teaching the alphabet and reading (for Children and beginning adults) from using the letters, to forming the word, to forming an Arabic sentence. And this is in an organized curriculum that similarly follows what has been used in Egyptian “Hifz Schools”. These books are teaching the reader the difference between Arabic script and Uthmani (Quran) script, provide them with exercises on each lesson with words examples directly from the Quran. Lesson on long vowels in Uthmani script, sound rules with exercises on Laam Qamariyyah and Laam Shamsiyyah and special exercises covered in these books, to practice the rules of reciting the Qur’an.



Voir toutes les images : Voir
Auteur : Moustafa Elgindy
Type de produit : Livre
Nombre de pages : 109
Modèle ou Format : 20 x 29 cm
Langue : anglais - arabe
ISBN/EAN : 5430000400794
Référence produit : REF. 40079
Disponibilité : Disponible en stock
Voir la liste de tous les produits de la catégorie : Apprentissage arabe (Nouveautés)

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Sent vraiment très bon je le recommende ..

  02/05/2024  Haut de la page 

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